I wrote her when all this began, I had read one of her articles and thought she sounded like an intelligent, compassionate woman. I was right, she phoned me and helped me, answered questions and also sent my son some very cool gifts ;-) Making his day! Sometimes this is a stressful situation
(I can attest to that) and we have fear about our MEDICINE.
If your child was on morphine you do not have to worry about him/her being picked up by the police, even beaten up for it.
A PLANT. A choice that should be anyones - do they want a chemical solution or a natural one!?
I heard a neighbor (love thy neighbor) judge me for allowing my son to use "grass". Yet, she knows nothing of the screaming pain my son has endured for YEARS- since he was born, the Dr.s appointment or the diagnoses on his records that says Progressive to Terminal, NO treatment no cure! Or the slow painful progression we watch helplessly continue. PUT YOURSELF in our shoes for only a second.
You might just start to think. That is all I can ask.
Something in me has snapped this morning.
I am NOT ashamed of my sons medicine! I thank GOD every day for it!
Unless you are a mother and have lived with what my husband, son and myself are living with.
How dare you judge me or anyone else for not wanting to suffer.
Because of your ignorance I thank you! I am stronger today then yesterday.
I have but one judge... and your not it!