I knew Poppies made opium and of course, Cannabis - I had no idea just how complex this incredible plant is. A male and female plant! Provides medicine, food, fuel, material & don't forget peace of mind. I do not like these plants alone for their medicinal/drug value I LOVE them because they are beautiful. Poppies, so short lived and SO vibrant and delicate. I once saw a true poppy field in Germany and to this day the thought of it takes my breath away.
Morning Glories again I have loved them as long as I can remember and grow them every year as long as we have been in this home. They climb and then in the morning open and look like a burst of purple, pink, blue and white little faces eager to greet the morning! Flowers are reminders of Gods beauty. Each one so intricate,unique - free for all the world to enjoy - as it should be. Of course you can understand my passion for the plant now that eases my son's pain. I LOVE it. Knowing several growers & patients now I have been able to see these beauties up close and personal. Touch, smell and admire this PLANT. I drew this one just a few days ago and it has sold. I am very glad it is going to a good home ;-) I have drawn 3 like this now.. and I will continue to draw more. When I draw these ones I am meditating on all that is good with this healing herb. Determined to educate others. Think for one minute.. It' just a plant. Should we ALL not be focusing more on EDUCATION? Teaching control, choice and compassion? A plant that has never killed anyone. Do you know how many people have died from alcohol, tobacco and prescription medications deaths each year? I get tired of 'WHY' I'm drawing, texting is more dangerous than this plant.. as a matter of fact there are millions of things more deadly than this plant. Common sense and people to speak up for this insanity to end are needed. Preferable now. xox <><