Storm more so than I, as he had attended many of the forays and enjoyed meeting everyone.
Last mothers day he took me to a Mushroom meal! it was fantastic!
Guess what - This Thursday he has invited me again!! Today, I was also treated to a day out and a new outfit for Thursday.
Storm and I spending a day together is nothing new, but with so much happening lately - we have had a bit of distance between us - so it was good today to just go out. It was a fun, relaxing day, and my son treated me like a queen. He just did. ;)
It never ceases to amaze me the conversations we have and - yes, I feel Storm has really turned out to be a fine young man, a good person. As his mother I can't tell you how at peace this makes me feel. He is always making us proud - not because of what he accomplishes but of because how he is.
Tomorrow I have stuff to do in the office and planning 'Peeps stand' - I might add is turning out exactly as I thought! I can not wait to start painting - which, I am thinking will be Friday - I know I will disappear (into the art) for a few.
I want to be well rested for our evening out! I had a wonderful time last meal. My son is on the board and is the new Foray Director! I knew the moment he asked 'Do you want to go to a meeting?' - it was going to bring about exciting opportunities & changes.
We are all connected as the toon above says.
Speaking of people...
I have issues with anyone who has issues with refugees.
If it was my son, my family - I would be trying to do the same thing!
Wouldn't you? We all want a better life.
People need to start thinking of people as just people.
Have Faith
xox <><