I try not to angry draw ;-)
Last week was a roller coaster ride. Not to mention botox wearing off. Lets say things can be a little more intense. I was thinking about my own feelings recently, being mad at my Dr.s... I can't. They have tried. I think in that profession they must 'get it'. Still I feel better everyday about my decision to just let go. Enough. ;-) I think it has actually helped! I am having longer breaks I find ;-) AMEN! When it starts to build up, I have Cannabis and ride it out. I am so thankful I know if not for it I would be in bed miserable.
A few miracles this past week! One, a problem I have been struggling with for years and had finally snapped, I hope it has been resolved, I am told it has. It is hard when you don't quite have the same trust in people. I have to trust people - I am told I am too trusting - but if we don't, then what? Because this world is FULL of people and If we don't trust any of them we are in serious trouble. My best friend Cathy is a grandmother as of 1:00 a.m. some time - thats when the photo was sent!! A new being on the planet! My puppy Poppy opened her eyes... Norm asked me out to diner last night! The world is full of miracles!
lol The next Miracle I am waiting for and I believe in Mirqcles!
Prohibition On Cannabis Ending !!
xox <>< !!!