On the topic of kids- On the last day I saw quite a few kids, a few vendors had their children and I saw several parents bring the children - to which some were criticized! ?
FOR what? Disease, pain knows no age- so why not educated your kids in all things. IF there had been people walking around puffing joints all day - I'd say - perhaps not- A child does not choose to be in that situation. BUT that was not the case! There is a vapor lounge and you need your license to be in there, No children permitted. Other than that - I saw no reason - not to have children present - It's not a sex show THIS mentality is part of the problem. THERE are children who use Cannabis as medicine and why not educate them on that fact. When I heard that it was others in the industry that "criticized" these parents I was truly disappointed. This is the attitude that is keeping the ignorance alive.
Not quite sure I'd say 'add a kids corner' either - if you are bringing your children somewhere then they should be a part of it - not dropped off for a few hours in a corner.
At 14 - I WISH I would have had some place like the EXPO to take our son to be further educated on his medicine. Thank God - the times they are a chang'n!
Tomorrow I will tell you about a young man I met - Kid (16) Named 'Oscar'.
I have not stopped thinking about him since meeting him.
Everything for a reason ... xox <><