My glee has me peddling my behind all over town! Between cabin fever, issues with walking/balance - not driving- Well, I can drive and very recently we were considering a smart car, but for the amount of time I actually HAVE to go places, I'd rather not. Save some money, gas, insurance and more.... but I need to have some freedom so when my friend Cathy mentioned she rides her bike all over - I thought fantastic! But again there is that issue with balance..
It had me thinking, we've all had friends, I myself many moons ago, would see someone and think- "look at that weirdo...." time has taught me that perhaps there is more than meets the eye. Having a son who was made fun of, simply because he wore hearing aids, taught me otherwise. My own illness now - teaches me humility daily and I am grateful for it.
I am beginning to think the worst 'mental illness' is the one, where people walk around forming opinions on people they know nothing about, solely on physical appearance.
As for me an my bike - I don't give a hoot what anyone THINKS, all they have to do is look at the joy on my face, I am just experimenting with paint markers, my bike is no way near done with my custom cartooning! Or Poppy's custom basket. She lives it as much as I do!
Stop and think before you judge someone harshly- especially if you happen to be looking in the mirror. xox <><
More on my bike soon!!