to bust someone for a roach. Just think for a second - not as someone who is either for or against cannabis but as someone with a rational brain. Imagine how much it costs to bust someone for a roach - not even a joint. Police hours, paper work, lawyers, court costs - jail! HOW much does it cost? Could that money not be better used? SERIOUSLY. For a plant?
Are there not more serious issues.
Here is something you might not know. For those who ARE legal, like my son. Dr. approved, prescribed medication for chronic pain - THAT IS WORKING - thank God ;-) he has to fill out paper work every year... this I don't understand. It is not like he is getting better. I wish he was. His paper work clearly states progressive to terminal, chronic pain, yet because of Bull%^%$ paper work that has to be filled every year- and if you know anything about the program - it takes 10 weeks to get your paper work back and once we never got it back for months- well when the paper work expired - my son is not considered legal by the police.
He could be arrested - FOR HIS MEDICINE!! As a mom I am pissed! THIS IS NOT fair and I'm mad. Im sad, I'm disgusted. I try to stay positive, determined but somedays it wears me down... Do we not have enough to deal with? Really? ARE we bad people? Are we criminals? Are we hurting anyone? It causes us stress. Like we need anymore.
So yes- that is when I feel paranoid, I fear for my son's safety. For his medicine.
It is days like this that I can think of nothing funny to draw but instead tearfully, ask God for strength and courage to continue to stand up for something that is very wrong even though I've lost some friends and am constantly faced with roadblocks and bullshit.
I also pray for forgiveness (forgive them Lord for they know not what they do..) how many times must God hear this prayer. Some might get angry with me that I ask this regarding Cannabis. Think about it. Over a plant. Being put to death over a plant? Suffering needlessly - over a plant? I believe it is worthy of asking for forgiveness. For a seed HE gave us.
Time to shut down from the comp and draw. Pray. xox <><