I saw the model and yes he is 'beautiful' - one bridal image in particular was stunning! I was amazed- but not really - I have been a fan of RuPaul for years and to say he is not beautiful IMO would be a lie. I wish! I was also impressed with MAC at the decision they made to make him a makeup spokesperson- how creative! Make-up. Love MAC I use to where nothing else when I cared more about makeup. A Man to sell make up - why not, some men have bone structure we would kill for;-)
BUT to put A man on the cover of women's magazines and put him in ads for push up bra's as a woman to sell to young woman, I do have issues with. I posted this on Fb and suddently it became about homophobia - It has nothing to do with homophobia for me - I'm even slightly confused by that.
It is about MARKETING.
False advertising.
My thoughts are about who buys these magazines. Young women. HOW MANY of us judge a book by it's cover!? MAGAZINES are very aware - the cover is HUGE- they know that will be the first thing to get the attention of young women, -they will LOOK at that cover and think "She's pretty I wish I looked like that..." looking at an image of a WOMAN incredibly sexy and perfect and hot! BUT he is NOT. We already know now young women are having insecurity issues with numbers on the rise of eating disorders and teen Suicide:
Around the WorldAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), someone around the globe commits suicide every 40 seconds. In the year 2000, 815,000 people lost their lives to suicide — more than double the number of people who die as a direct result of armed conflict every year (306,600). For people between the ages of 15 and 44, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death and the sixth leading cause of disability and infirmity worldwide.1
They look to these magazines to make their life better - I know I DID! Been there done that - use to be a bit of a mag. junkie. It helped me decide what make-up to buy, colors to go with my complexion and how I wanted my hair - just LIKE the the girl in the magazine. Wish my boobs were like that girls and my waist. I WISHED I could just be that skinny.
So why? Why are we allowing men to advertise bra's for our young women?
It's believe it is a slap in the face to women everywhere.
For those that bring up gender issue HE HAS NO breasts. - just think about that. WHO uses a model to sell a bra who has no breasts? It has nothing to do with gender, it has nothing to do with the model! False advertising.
Below a photo of his real breasts. Nothing to push up. They don't care about women. It is just about marketing. Shock value and lies and attention. Which our kids are already getting enough of every time they turn on the tube.
I think teens have a hard enough time as it is. Make and female. If you are a woman's magazine selling to women. It should be a woman on the cover and women advertising women's products or call yourself a 'mixed gender' magazine.
What next a man wearing a maxipad for that special time of the month?
IF you are selling a women's product -LIKE A BRA- put a women in it.
Life is confusing enough.
<>< xox
Toon being inked.. will post with this blog later.