Thank you God for giving me another chance to get it right! I am determined to educate myself each day and try to make my life and those around me a better place to be.
I have my own issues and must just continue to take them one day at a time. It is all we can really do. Continue to keep my faith in God and all that is Good.
AND keep drawing!!! I like to watch documentaries. I learn about things I have not always give much thought to . From now on I am going to draw a toon that is inspired by what I see and learn - my way of sharing. The toon below is from the Documentary : Modify if you can watch it and not say "OUCH" a few times I will be amazed. it always shows some graphic things but answered a few questions. It all comes down to CHOICE what we do with out bodies. WHO is anyone to judge us for how we present ourselves. to watch for yourself:
What we do with and what we put in our own bodies should be freedom of choice. With education perhaps we might learn how to do such tasks with moderation and thought rather that rebellion and fear.
As for my birthday! I spent it with my guys - I'd have it no other way ;-))
Drawing, chatting, relaxing - Norm made dinner and watching a movie- oh and a bonus hug from Thomas ;-) who could ask for anything more.
I had many people also post on FB . That was very nice too. Felt the good vibes coming my way today!
Tomorrow is the first day of my NEW year! Can't wait!