It kills people, they don't know what they are getting and overdose - buying illegal forces them to have to deal with criminals to obtain. They lose homes, jobs, most are sick. Especially Cannabis users. Patients trying to grow their own medicine.
Most confusing to me is that Alcohol is the number one problem in the USA and all over the world - yet it's legal. Hurt someone while drunk and get a slap in the wrist and go to AA meetings. I wish everyone who was hurt or hurt someone else while impaired tried to sue the alcohol companies. They should be held accountable.
Prescribed medications kill daily - nope nothing.., here you go to rehab.
The money is the biggest issue for me - Police are not being used to the best of their abilities. They have to arrest gardeners (deny all you want but that is exactly what many people who grow cannabis are GARDENERS), bust someone for smoking a joint - because it is their job. It should be their job to protect people from serious harm inflicted by others!
What we put into our own bodies is a human right. I'm not for using ABUSING drugs. The most abused drugs right now in society are Prescription drugs. NOT cannabis.
To serve and protect... against plants?? I have been fortunate to discuss with several officers and they agree but "hey it's my job." How do you reason with that. I completely understand - we all have bill and a boss. At the end of the day - don't lie. Don't lie to your kids , spouse - don't lie to yourself. The only way this will change is for those who are aware to start to speak UP! Then perhaps we can focus on the real criminals, those who hurt innocent victims - causing them to grow up to be adults with serious issues - perhaps serious drug problems.
If you care about your children, YOU will educate yourself on the war on drugs and then educate them. If the government cared about our kids they would put some money into EDUCATION - rehabilitation for parents..
Todays toon a little 'OUCH' the truth hurts. The truth non the less..
xox <><