I let stuff 'get to me'. Always have. I wear my heart on my sleeve. So what. I will not apologize for it. It amazes me how I am realizing what triggers such emotions that GET me going. So - everything happens for a reason.
If you ask my opinion I tell you and honestly.
I made a promise about 18 years ago that I am not breaking for anyone. Including myself.
The truth shall set you free! ;) I tell you WHAT! It never lets you down when you want to have that perfect 'reply' to someone, especially when the topic is something YOU are passionate about. I have a few of those topics.
I believe in standing up for what I believe in. Bridges are bound to get burned.
Not everyone is going to love me. That is not why we are here. We are hear to learn from each other. Make each other THINK! Good and bad lessons. Wise & not so wise choices ;-) The greatest lesson in all of it I believe (and the hardest) is THEN to move on!
MOVE ON! Let it out of your heart. Distraction robs us of today, now and doing what we LOVE with those we love. WHY the heck is anyone surrounding themselves with people that bring them misery and frustration and pain?
BTW - This Laughing Buddha was so much about letting it was insane! I started it 3 days ago but twice - HAD to draw something else. I can't draw a LB and have my head some place else. Then I made this weird mistake and a strange smile kept showing! But the drawing did not look right, I found this awesome old paint my friend Cathy bought me 'flesh color' and live - he almost glows ;-)
It started with Poppy, Daisy and Scruffy and only Daisy remains. It took on a life of it's own! It made me LET GO! I love him! I hope you do too.
What do you have to let go?
xox <><