With my family, not a moment goes by where there is not something going on, well -only when we nap or sleep. I love every moment - even the crazy ones. We just took the girls for a walk - all of them - that is another blog.
Norm finished the brick path! It turned out great, just one of those things.. he never stops but since we practically LIVE in our backyard, we spend more time and energy there. When he was working on it, I sat out and decided to catch up on some drawing ( I draw everywhere- Norm made me several drawing boards ;)) Yes, kinda spoiled that way) the 'girls' started to play in the sand!
It was so cute everyone of them! Daisy digging and lying, Scruffy digging for buried treasure and Poppy rolling down! Tequila sniffed all over!
They crack me up. Norm said "Imagine if we had kids!!" - he could not see them.
Storm and I both laughing, well they had so much fun- next thing I joined it!
LOL - I'm sad the sand is gone. Perhaps I need some sort of sand box in the back yard!
NOT - Been there done that - giant kitty litter.
Draw what you know. I know this and I know dog lovers will appreciate it. :)
I love it as my digital journal entry.
My mind needs a break - more on that and a cannabis blog /toon, mañana. <3