So far so good. I know all too well I can sit and twitch or I can sit and twitch and keep creative and focus on keeping creative - rather than keep focused on the problem, one that appears to be staying with me.
I am feeling very lucky, blessed and grateful that I am still able to paint, draw and just amuse myself ;) lol I have several projects on the go! I can literally walk from room to room with something set up in a corner to paint, prime or doodle as I please! I have no excuse for boredom!
Several situations recently once again, have had me withdraw and rethink.
Boredom is the root of evil. I know many marriages all pretty happy, until someone starts to feel bored. Usually that boredom turns to looking for something else, and many times that something can end up being someone. I find between the dogs, life , crafts - twitch I have little time to feel bored. I spend a great part of my day feeling frustrated. Take anything that you do and now add a twitch that literally shakes you head and sometimes hand (when at it's strongest) with every movement, and paint. LOL
I'm tired of listening to others complain about life.. 'how bad they have it'- when all it seems to me, is they are bored. Too much time to sit and stew and think and let the negative ferment until it consumes. Been there and done that. I do have a few friends that complain, most with very good reason - the ones IMO that have the most justifiable reasons- complain the less.
Get busy! I've decided to keep busy! Recently I played with a few empty beer bottles I have! Buddha beer in particular! What fun! I have had the bottles for a while being a fan of Buddha- the bottles are too easy to paint! The last screamed Rob Ford before I could even finish the flash paint! LOL Norm picked up a diamond bit and I plan on turning a few into water pipes ;) ! Stay tooned, I will sell a couple but as usual, much of my work ends up being gifts!
In my attempts to make some extra$$ (is there such a thing?) I created Mini Zen kitties!! I love these little kitties, it brings me peace to paint them! A rainbow of colors and each one slightly different - that huge grin looking back at me while I paint! I am making some for the Painted Perch festival - more on that the next couple of days! I also have to get to work on my celebrity fish for the day! The Stephfin Carper!!!
I have offered ZenKitties on line - once they are done they are gone. ;) You can get one here - if you order quick enough!
It's simple. IF you are bored then do something about it! Serve someone other than yourself. Look within. Create! Write a card/poem, bake a dish to give, cookies... plant a plant! Clean your home! Toss out clutter! Knit, crochet... PAINT!
Or be bored. The CHOICE is yours.
xox <><