(I say with a smirk)
I'm grateful my www posts for me, it's allowed me to have a following on twitter - I do not have a clue how to use it and and have decided I better not learn. I have enough going on and drawing too!
I'd rather be creating than watching someone else create. Don't think I'm not 'led down the PIN path' of temptation too many times, to not know what I am talking about. 10 minutes turns into 20 in a heartbeat... a cartoon that should have taken me a day - has taken me 3 - like this one from start to publish and I did not have far to drive.
I was distracted. By FB, twitter and Instagram. I like the latter. Instagram
a 'visual FB' - which is what I prefer and I learn how to use the iPad too. Bonus.
While we play on the computer or looking down at your screen what is happening all around us? It's not only bad for social skills but it is a dangerous distraction as well, driving and texting FB on the phone!? I recently read Fb will be adding a dislike button, intended to show empathy -some serious concern suggests it will do the opposite with some thinking 'it is funny', or wanting to get a reaction - will go too far, much like road rage.
I've already seen displays of ugly on FB - I don't think they need help.
My biggest distraction some days is wanting to fit in - to be normal and that's not happening.
Oh, we 'fit in' today.. Norm and I, we decided to check out IKEA.. guess what happened?
We got lost. A couple of times. (I'm not sure anyone other than IKEA visitors will understand what I'm talking about.)
If you want to know if your marriage can survive - go to IKEA. lol
I do find it - inspiring! They have pretty creative stuff but it's all stuff.
Furniture, Norm makes ours... which means: I wait 10 years- but it's good stuff... lol!
Its been a long day, he cracked me up a couple of time like when he asked me 'if we needed an 'allen key' for the salad table - it was do it yourself.' ;) Funny Guy.
He was not laughing at the Dr.s Office earlier in the day, but we both came away feeling -
... optimistic' ? Better than I had, than after other visits.
She sure was upfront and direct. It looked like an interesting clinic, it had to do with
the elderly. As I think of the tests ahead I'm off to bed.
Tomorrow it's back to NORMAL -said with a smile crossing my face - painting & cartooning! Check out my first few instagram images Georgia.Toons
Have Faith
<>< xox