You know I love them and would be lost without them.
Jim the character in the 'Bear/Bare' toon (it was his and Elly's suggestion BTW) was thrown from his golf cart on Monday.
He was golfing with a friend & family was behind him in another cart. He was celebrating his 52 birthday.
I can not being to express the following hours after the accident.
He went into a coma right away and was pronounced legally dead the next day.
We were told he would not have suffered.
Jim donated his organs - to which I was not shocked at all, knowing Jim.
Elly posted this:
We received the following news this morning:
"I just wanted to let you know everything went well last night with the recovery. Your husband and father is a hero to many recipients and their families. His heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas islets, liver vessels and eyes were recovered. He has saved the life of four people through his heart, liver and kidneys. He has enhanced many more lives through pancreas islets, liver vessels and eyes."
Jim's generosity continues.....
We are all still in shock, Jim leaves two incredible kids, who I also have no doubts will be better than fine, because of who their dad was and who their Mom continues to be.
I have never witnessed such love and sadness to the degrees as I have the past few days.
Jim was LOVED.
Jim is loved.
Today I'm drawing a Laughing Buddha with Jim in mind.
Please continue to keep our family in your prayers.
Pray for strength for Elly and her son & daughter - and all of us who Jim meant so much to. The pool will never be the same.
Have Faith xox <><
New drawing tomorrow.
Drawn with TLC & THC.