Those words as a Canadian I would THINK would be someplace I can count on - to get help. Ha!
Here I go again. Every year we have to do the paper work.
Nothing has changed.
Our son still suffers with a terminal illness & in my case I have gotten worse this past year- clearly with surgery just around the corner. Today the timing is appropriate for what ever reason - only 11a.m. and I'm ready to go back to bed, head pounding, twitching and sick to my stomach. Counting the days... 15! Medicate and nap soon.
So on top of all this I now have to fill out the paper work get the Dr. to sign and hope I get it all back in time - before surgery - just in case I'm not feeling so great and need to get it out of the way now.
BUT WHY!? If I was using morphine/Oxy/prescribed pain medication from a pharmacy - would I have to go throguh this every fu%^$#@ time? Not just my son but I know so many people now who are - terminal, have cancer, have a hard time just functioning, most of them are NOT going to get better. Many have difficulty just LIVING! What has happened to compassion where it is needed most with HEALTH CARE?
To make people suffer and endure added bullshit over a plant does MAKE ME ANGRY!
Changes MUST be made! With our Health care system - and Cannabis. End the bullshit by decriminalizing and let people and Dr.s do what they want! A Dr. SHOULD never be made a criminal for helping someone. I DONT want pills. I'm worried about what Im going to get after the surgery - being even 'aspirin free' for a couple of years.
With all the horror stories I am hearing - seriously ill people who can not find a signing Dr.
When all this stated I did not believe in paying a Dr. to get your license. But after meeting people who have cancer, serious illnesses and their Dr.s refuse to sign because of the political crap that accompanies the paper work. People are being forced to look for signing Dr.s who charge to help them. I understand.
I still don't agree with those that just want to enjoy the herb and go to a Dr. to get their license. To me it is almost a sign of cowardice. Stand up for what you believe in!
VOTE and THANK GOD you are not in the company of the sick who seriously NEED cannabis to make their life liveable!
WHAT happens between you and your DR. Should be between you and your DR.
He is the one with the degree. Not Health Canada or any other government agency!
Part of me wants to say I'm done! I'm done with this paper work! I have a right to feel better, be better, my Dr. agrees. I don't need Health Canada or anyone else to tell me I can't use a PLANT to do that. ARE we hurting anyone??
I will get it filled in an mailed out. Only because I am under a 'bit' of stress and don't want to add to it at the moment. I am very tired of it. BUT if I don't- when my paper work expires I instantly become a criminal in the eyes of the law - Really. That is disgusting.
I know what I would like to say to them. Not any 'one' person - as I understand we all do what we are told but as far as I am concerned - as a whole, MMAR and Health Canada need a lesson in compassion and HELPING Canadians. Read the story below.
Who will you turn to when it happend to you or someone you love?
Health Canada should be ashamed of themselves and clearly if they are not looking after my best interest - that of those and my family, friends - fellow Canadians... WTF should I show them any respect? Clearly they don't care about us, the article above with all I have learned the past four years is more frightening than any thing else Im sure to see this Halloween.