Cannabis is a hot topic. Some do NOT want it legalized - like those that are already profiting from it. Criminals, politicians, law enforcement, alcohol makers and distributers and *Pharmaceutical companies. It would seem if you watch and read that the majority of the human race want's cannabis to be legalized or better yet- decriminalized. Everyone knows someone!! My hunny and I ended up going to a sweet little tea/art/antique house for tea today and got into the conversation with a few lovely ladies about cannabis and Crohn's disease. I know about crohn's from people who have it and have educated me on their cannabis use. So many people tell me that the medications they were on were killing them and giving them no life what so ever. I KNOW what Cannabis does for pain, we have witnessed it first hand with our son I KNOW what cannabis does for nausea, twitching nerve head pain and depression. IT eases every one of those symptoms for me.
The one woman told me something during conversation and my brain instantly went TOON!! TOON! lol I had to interrupt her for a piece of paper so I woud not forget!
I'll draw it tonight I think.
People can say what they want but the signs are there. People are talking, people are tired and everyone knows someone who uses cannabis. It does not seem such a big deal. Times are changing and I am hopeful. I really do believe everything happens for a reason. WE went in to see the place - started talking about art, that turned to Mural cartoons in the local school (which I did years ago) was then asked- what do you do now and then it begins. I AM very proud to be a cannabis cartoonist. If you ask I will tell you.
My botox I believe it gone. Yeah!! I hope out of my system... although I have the feeling after a few years of regular injections it takes longer. I have a smile back (sometimes) and my face does not feel numb, my eye closes again - the down side the pain is sure more intense and the twitch once again - constant. Triggered now by talking and eating,
which I am doing less of both! LOL Only a couple of more weeks I tell myself this every day a few times a day. A few days ago I felt so bad I actually considered calling my Dr. and asking for a pain pill. - Then I gave myself a slap- plugged in my plenty and set a timer so I remembered to medicate every hour! It keeps me drawing and crafting and the occasional load of laundry is getting done! Better than lying in bed feeling sorry for myself!
My life would not be what it is without it.
In preparation for my recovery I am lining up some really fun and exciting drawing projects!! So not only am I excited for the surgery! I'm already anxious to get drawing after !
xox <><
*Pharmaceutical companies are not profiting from Cannabis and that is why they do not want it legalized. More people will switch over from pills - how can they not when they learn the facts.