I got botoxed this week again ;-( this frigging twitch is not getting better it is in fact getting stronger so more botox and talk of a new direction in June. For some reason I'm bruised from this botox - looks like a shiner so I did not want to go out for diner. Canceled those plans. Heard the dreaded BANG BANG BANG of the washing machine- spring snapped - needs a new part - one load in and wet and 3 waiting ;-( sigh... a fun day planned for mushroom hunting (I see all these posts on Fb - but it might just be in the USA -oh well we were going to go look anyhow) nature adventure with the girls!!- Cancelled ;-( When my hubby was attacked by a joining saw. ;-( and have spent this beautiful day filled with sunshine in the Emerg. room. Storm had to drive his dad Norm almost passed out. Still waiting - cut to the bone and will need stitches and antibiotics and pain pills- HE's been warned to tell the Dr. >>>NO OXY IN OUR HOME!! Never. They are still there. My twitch taketh over... can't draw or read. Forced to sit in the sunshine and wonder just how much more does he think I can handle?
Prayers always appreciated.
I DO believe in the power of prayer.