JAIL? Going someplace because you have committed a crime.
Some very serious crimes. IS IT JUST ME?
So many people are out of work, desperate and homeless and hungry- AM I insane to think that some people are thinking - wow - this looks like a pretty sweet deal for a couple of years. I know of people who went to jail got educated (FREE- Karla ring a bell) come out
smarter and wiser and even healthier!
I don't think our jails have to be like jails in other places (see below) but at the same time COME ON! Jail should be a place you do NOT want to go. As for a private prisons - I've been reading about this of course and cannabis - in the USA many people are sent to jail for small amounts of Cannabis - a private prison is a business and lets just say when you send someone to jail for - say Cannabis - business is booming! Thank God - there are NOT so many murders -but they have to fill those jails somehow. Or else No $$$
But here it is and it went up pretty quiet- VERY quiet in fact - I know people who have a penthouse apt near by and had no idea the jail was that close. I also have family in the area and I worry about them. FACTS are facts.
Note I drew a black man especially - When you are born into being poor - you have fewer options. The number of African Americans in prison - for something as simple as a cannabis possession is APPALLING! *National drug arrest rates for blacks and whites are compared from 1991 to 1995, showing dramatic and consistent disparities. The disparity between black and white arrest rates for marijuana offenses has grown during this period. Other comparisons rely on more extensive use of 1995 national and metropolitan county level data. The black arrest rate for all drug offenses is four times the arrest rate for whites.
Read More: http://norml.org/component/zoo/category/racial-differences-in-drug-arrests
FACTS. For a plant. It's all about business. http://www.straight.com/article-119340/stephen-harper-opens-door-to-prison-privatization or read this: http://www.insidetoronto.com/news/local/article/1250425--new-mimico-jail-is-ontario-s-first-prefabricated-prison
Yes of course, who do we have to thank for this step in Canadian History? Not a proud moment in my opinion. The one and only Steven Harper. To add insult to injury - we had most of this fancy prison shipped from Atlanta! USA - Nothing like helping our own economy Steve!
If you are not worried about this new private prison... lucky you. Let's hope you behave.
If they send a cannabis grower to jail for plants - *longer sentence than a pedophile what's next? When It's all about $$ I m sure they will come up with more creative excuses.
xox <><