Oh my Gosh I am the first one to get caught up in it!! Why, I will avoid the mall until - Feb if possible. I can't do it! It turns me into The Grinch and I will tell you why...
CREDIT CARDS!!!! The stress later - might kill you!
If you go 'way back' in this blog you will read about my credit card experience..
well not all of it. I'm finally ready to share the outcome.
When I was at the beginning of this 'brain thing' journey, it started with me being very sick.
I could hardly get out of bed, Dr.s had no clue and all the tests and neurologist were starting. I had like many of you a credit card. When I worked, I paid the card. I even paid for coverage if you get sick*. It was fine, bills came in and I made payment.
When I became ill, and fast - this household lost one income. Fast.
We started to lose control of our finances and I could no longer make payments for my credit card. Which was getting insane with interest payments.
Shit happens. That is how easy it can happen to you too, btw.
I couldn't make payments, they started to call. I blogged about it, early on.
I freaked out because I received a phone call and was told:
"You can't make payments? I'll come to your house and make you F*cking pay!"
I got off the phone and was visibly shaking, I did not know what to do, who to contact and never had a call like that before. Nasty & mean, this guy kept taking it to a new level.
To make a real long story shorter.. I contacted company that 'represented' MC that I acquired at the time (who had nothing to do with master card) lol ... everyone else gave me the run around - PLEASE remember I was very sick - they want you to give up.
Anyhow - Thank God (literally) as I am sure it is with Gods direction - I got attention.
I was called by MC head office in Canada right away.
A week went by- they said 'they listened to the calls' I had been getting, assured me the employee had been fired and the gentleman I was speaking with told me in his own words "he was a piece of work and was sorry for what I had been put through" & was then
told about a *'hardship program'. I could pay only $50 a month for a year with no interest. Tired, sick, frightend by the calls I had been getting, hounded, yelled at, taunted, threatened, called many times a day and never listened or wouldn't pass me over to a supervisor.. I was exhausted. I agreed.
My health issues progressed, a year flew by & the calls start again and just as bad, again:
I was told 'I was making up the hardship program' or 'they had never heard of it!' RUN around, constant calls and MORE abuse. Where do they get these people!? How can they say they are not aware of them verbally & mentally trying to abuse people they phone?
I had had it!!! It's one thing if we shirk our obligations but no one deserves this over a lousy credit card. Deathly sick and they were in fact, making me sicker! I cried on the phone to some of those people, begged to be able to just talk to someone - to try to resolve it.
They have no problems giving credit cards to EVERYONE but they then MAKE everyone FEEL like a criminal if they can not pay & NOT EVERYONE is a f*cking criminal!
If thats the case and they think we are criminals then why give us the cards in
the first place - because they don't care.
Frustrated I finally contacted 'who I did' the first time - ONLY this time - I had had enough. I told them straight out in a letter & e mail:
'BRING to me fucking court, you're never getting another fucking cent for the abuse & stress you have added to my illness'.
IT was FUCKING abuse, plain and simple. No amount of '$' is worth it.
Clearly someone finally listened, my phone rang the next day.
I was told that day, I would NEVER hear from the credit card company again,
"I'd be wiped off the face of the earth, as far as they were concerned"
I never got another phone call.
I never got another bill.
I never made another payment.
That was about 3 years ago now.
I will NEVER own another credit card again.
We do not own any now and will keep it that way.
I told Norm if he gets one - he can get a new wife too... ;) No credit cards.
Even to be removed from your husbands/wifes card - YOU can't!
YOU need his/her permission -(divorce nightmare) and must give it to the bank.
You can go and buy one - if you need to make a purchase online for a set limit.
I use paypal for everything I purchase online or I don't buy it.
NO ONE NEEDs a credit card anymore.
It's all stuff.
Please don't put yourself in the hands of people who will torment you, they don't care if you are sick or not, and it only adds to illness. OVER stuff.
There IS a program called the Hardship program < click to read more.
There is a great documentary - GIVE it to your kid this christmas:
Maxed OUT ** Please give yourself the gift of education and watch it as well.
Credit card companies when they behave like this are no better than glorified loan sharks,
I know first hand - I was terrified to answer my phone at a time - when I as waiting to hear from Dr.s and get tests results. A time when I was sick and they just made me sicker. Fact.
*** If you think you can lie - good luck- look at what I had to prove & what they put me through. Things happen out of our control.
*That 'extra protection coverage '- miss one payment and it's out the window.
Just thinking of what I went through makes me still feel ill.
I have the number of the guy from the credit card company in my wallet, still! LOL
He was not happy to see my name come across his desk a second time.
ALSO * I learned! I started to RECORD their calls. Tell them that!!!
DO NOT let them abuse you! * I do think you have to warn them & I seriously do mean record the calls if they are making threats.
>>> If you are lying - well, you are part of the problem. <<<
THE real problem is the credit card companies and the fact that they just keep handing them out as they get richer just off of everyones interest - in stuff. Literally.
Is STUFF worth the rest of your life? A christmas gift the kids MIGHT really play with for a year? You will pay years for. Your kids do not want you stressed.
AM I a buzz kill? GOOD!!!
I'd rather be a buzzkill that contribute to your mental meltdown in January when you can't afford hydro, never mind credit card bills. xox
Tip 2 tomorrow!!
Fave Fatih
xox <><