We forget that, with our daily struggles and own battles in Canada with cannabis.
We forget that in the USA - in one state you can grow and in the next you go to jail, that right there, is criminal. In other countries it's the same, many still fighting the negative stigma associated with cannabis.
Why are so many fighting? They are tired of seeing a war waged against each other. A failed drug war, used only as an excuse to imprison minorities,
mostly black - fact. Next hispanic incarcerations - it is horrendous how humans are being treated over a plant.
It's time to have some fun and at the time create some cannabis bud pride!
It starts with Scotland.
I have recently been invited to Scotland & Spain - and it is on my mind.
I've showed you the 'Cannabus' decorated with my art- and yes, I would like to see it in person and visit with my friend Robert, who I have e mailed with back and forth over the years, he seems like he is a lot of FUN & I know we already have a few things in common, like our mutual love and appreciation for a plant - and educating others.
I have drawn a couple of logos for now for him, Including the ZEN KITTY CAFE, another still, top secret.. ;)
I've mentioned to a few friends "over there" that I might be visiting, it seems it just might be more of a trip than I imagined. I have a good friend In Norway I would love to see & stay with, there are a few details that still need tended to before I travel like.. should I bring Poppy? lol
With all the terrible, ridiculous raids in Toronto lately it's a wonderful, creative diversion to research and find traditional icons to suit the little buds.
The next bud is on the the drawing desk! Waiting for details!!
Who would you like to see represent!? India Bud? Australian Bud? German Bud?
I will also incorporate little ideas/props as well.. keeping in tune with the toon.
The Thistle was too easy.
Please remember around the world people are struggling with canabis education and unjust punishment over a plant. Some counties much harsher than the USA or Canada still.
ONE love should bring it to the forefront - end the insanity - so we can ALL focus on helping and healing each other. Plants over Pills!
Do you know a man made disaster that killed countless? Still does really..
Prescription drugs. Read this: http://www.thalidomide.ca/tvac-mission/
Lies and it is STILL happening today. So sad this 'wonder drug' came over to Canada- the USA did not allow it- but they have made up for that attitude since ;(. The manufactures were terrible humans and knew what they were doing- they continued for profit.
JUST like pharmaceutical companies today who try to convince us the medicine will help.
Let's try to continue to educate around the world 'ONE LOVE' mean just that people
Send me a message! Help Me design the 'International Cannabis collection'
If I draw 'your bud suggestion' - I'll send you a comic and postcard!
Here is a drawing I did long ago from my friend Robert - he planted the seed I guess with the 'World Wide Cannais Tribe'!
I can't wait to start the next! Let's show the world how much we love our little BUDS!