Just fun, just draw...
Just breathe.
I want to inhale all the good stuff and keep it deep inside, bring it into my soul.
I will exhale the bullshit- I have no room for it.
An added bonus is while coloring this toon, this a.m.,
I had a wonderful conversation with my son about all of it. It is all we can do.
Why hold on to anger, hate and darkness... it only makes us sick, distracted and tired.
Been there, done that and I am tired of it.
I shall hang this visual reminder above my desk! Unless someone who really needs it, contacts me.... we all need reminders. I hope it is shared, simply to provide others of a visual reminder they might need too... Inhale the good `shit and exhale the bad shit'
- a Zen kitty version of this toon on the way .... ;-) Have an AWESOME day and remember to EXHALE <3 xox