I really enjoyed making this cartoon - it was a test to myself in many ways.
F*ck it! I want to have some fun.
I put on my kermit the frog headphones - *Still remember they were a great deal.
Turned on my music- it plays quit an assortment- It chooses:
Dr Hook started: Hooked on a Feeling. Oooga, Oooga , Oooga , Oooga CHAKA! Oooga Chaka! I see my frogs dance!
Choose it does, nothing is left to fate.
Are you paying attention to every moment?
I went within and started to think of what was making me feel unhappy & what makes me feel happy. What, who, music, mood.. makes me smile, inspires - this included researching beautiful images of lotus flowers on PIN &- google, beauty & fun images of frogs in ponds. Some actually make me giggle out loud.
I remember, I am a child of God who is thankful for everything, including the pencils before me! A sketch soon turns to painting.
Tears have turned to a grin.. I am calm within.
My twitch seems to almost tame.
I step out for a dinner snack & back.
Poppy and I paint well into 3:15a.m. this is when I put the music to sleep.
My frogs end with a slow Dance- Chris Issace: Wicked game.
I couldn't wait to wake up and start all over again.
Have Faith
What will you create today - Good or bad?