She is very vocal, everyone that visits us comments sooner or later. I don't mean bark - she is awesome at that, I mean talks. I have to record it soon. We often are telling her to shush!, especially during a movie while she and Poppy play on the floor.
She keeps me moving. I do not walk her, Storm does but we play ball! Over and over and over and over. I love it. Muddy slippers and all. Photos below to prove it. People ask me where I get my cartoon ideas and this came to mind. I am curious to see how many people 'get it'. When outside counting 22...23...24...25...26... with hardly a breath in between... it instantly came to my mind! How many licks! ;) WOW! PROOF of what and how powerful commercials are- YEARS later. It was one of my favorites. I watched it before i drew it and should see if I can send the cartoonist a thank you card! It truly inspired me. Here it is:
Oh, and if you want to know the answer it is here apparently:
As for Daisy and how many kicks.. well that is to be determined! <3
Draw what you know! AND LOVE!
xox <><