(e something to me is more like it) and my mind will instantly 'click'. Then I scramble to grab a pencil & jot it down before I forget. The seed planted.
Later I see that seed and I think how do I want to draw that. Those are powerful words... My friend Grant wrote - " they need to come out in the open like the gays did. Demand to be treated equally the way black people did.
People need to be burning their spliffs in public like women did their bras!"
Yes, it is that simple. All crimes against humanity.
African American -treating people like they are different because of the color of their skin- taking advantage of that -still in the year 2012! WTF? The black and poor are still the first to go to jail in the U.S.A and that sucks! THEY ARE ALSO the first to go to war.
They live in situations where it is so hard to overcome. Yet the drug war goes on.
Billions blown by the government and sons and daughters blown up in a war- for what?
Spend it on healing your people.
Homosexual couples. So many people on this planet are alone surrounded by billions of us an they feel alone. If you find some other human who makes you happy and feel in love, some one who makes you want to wake up in the morning then you are blessed.
Love is all we need. ♥
Women! Where do you start. Just look at the advertising throughout history-
Trying to keep women where they belong under men. Not.
Treated like 2nd class people even when women give the gift of human life! Birth!
Abused, Not paid equally, Used and abused sexually as objects, tossed aside when
they grow older. In some places abandoned left to starve. For being born a woman.
Cannabis-To go to jail, lose your home, be judged, lose your jobs, lose your children.. not be able to get a specific job later in life or leave the country (I miss my friend Josh), LOSE you medicine! In some countries DEATH - OVER A PLANT!?
Yet other have done it and continue to do it - brag about it and get away with it.
Over a plant that has never been the cause of human death - unlike alcohol and tobacco, peanuts, motorcycles, glue sniffing, cows, meat, cats, chocolate...
We don't need words we are all to aware of the human injustices done around the world.
I could only draw three. Thanks to my friend Grant on the other side of the world for expressing himself and inspiring this toon.
See ! We can all make a difference!