Cannabis is spreading across the USA in a great way.
Actually, thanks to social media- cannabis is spreading across the world in a great way- I was just on Instagram and noticed something- there are some SERIOUSLY professional, beautiful cannabis pages out there. I noticed a lovely company in Canada with chickens, trees, nature- and thought- I'd buy from them. It's that simple. BE professional. Organic medicine - farm grown it appears. Nice.
So delighted to see this industry- STEP away from bongs and boobs and grass on some girls ass. This is our medicine, for many. YES, there are some lovely ladies out there, posing with cannabis and small undies- o.k., why not - they have the bod... please ladies, be the brain first, said with TLC & THC. :) Of course there are pages still for the 'stoner mentality'- boobs, bongs, babes.. fine, some of the 'joke' posts - are really funny and crack me up. To each his own. I will say though I KNOW - when I started 10 years ago that is all 'it' was, even Canada's own 'Skunk magazine has come along way, which at the time I'd rather not have my comics in, it was a decision I made- to try and take cannabis the other direction in my own way. Glad I did to this day. The other direction is becoming more and more inviting!
Educate someone today! Introduce them to a new, positive, enticing "page" on social media
there are more and more out there! OH- AND I am noticing a few compassion clubs/dispensaries that are taking positive actions by offering food drives, sock drives, discounts for veterans, seniors day! F*ck yes!
Why not? It is AWESOME to see and I THANK you!
I love this little bud, I smiled the entire time painting him- look at that little face! lol
I just want to HUG him.
I'm on a roll and cant stop- I already have 2 more ideas and one started!
One a day... and today a friend and I are off for coffee & local & import! Up to Kats Gallery to drop off something and pick up something and see what Kat has - always lovely merchandise & NEAT items. & the to the Georgina Art gallery of the Christmas art sale! Lets start this day!
Do what you love & the rest WILL follow.
Clearly, I love to paint little cowboy buds winning he wild west!
Wait until you see tomorrows... hee hee hee
Have faith
xox <><