To learn about the eggs: Easter and the symbolism of rebirth, spring, new growth, forgiveness & hope.
I feel stronger about this Easter and what it stands for than I did only a year ago.
I asked the guys if they wouldn't mind staying home this Easter even though we were invited to the 'family dinner - actually, I said I was staying home but they could go - lol -it did not go as planned... so, I painted eggs to give to a very 'select few', purchased a new everyday tablecloth, Norm helped clean - we picked up some tulips and Easter dinner (cooked and catered by mom) was terrific. Perfect.
It was a peaceful day... leading up to a mini Spring break.
I've decided to take some time to read and draw, think and draw... spend time with Jesus- as I become less religious. This Rosary you see is my meditation.
I sleep with it wrapped around my hand and wake up with it still there many mornings.
Think what you want- I don't care, it brings me peace.
It reminds me that miracles happen every second of every day, inspired by LOVE.
Time again to Go within, with Buddha and past time with Poppy as spring gets closer to becoming summer.
I can't promise I will keep up the blog the next few weeks, I only have a short allowance for internet time, I can promise I will be keeping very creative!
I will post one 'image' a day if nothing else, but this won't include original art work- some of it is top secret at the moment, a few gifts I don't want people to know about yet... a couple pieces taking a while to complete and a NEW project - I'm not at liberty to discuss - yet. ;) The days are getting longer and I am getting busier! Amen.
To learn about the eggs:
I also made something neat-- going on my ETSY page soon...
Do what you love & the rest will follow!
xox <><