I read about a retirement homes over seas that have cannabis in the homes for the elderly! WOW! That tells me that they are putting patients first.
I take injections for my arthritis once a week. Although they seem to help especially with the psoriasis I'm not overly convinced it helps much with the arthritis and the next day after the injection I am sick, as thought I've drank 2 bottles of wine. Not to mention other side effects. I know people who take up to 8 different pills a sitting never mind a day! How can 'THEY' possibly know all the different interaction with all the drugs combined. It is time to educate ourselves! Do you know how many deaths a year from PRESCRIBED medications - even when taken properly!?? I AM NOT against prescribed drugs. Sometime we need to take them. I do need to take my anti-inflammatory - or else I can not draw. I've tried to go with out. I know my stomach suffers for it. BUT as for anti depressants - I have learned so much just the past 3 years about the problems they are causing that I am proud to say I've been anti depressant free now for about a year and DO NOT plan on going back. If your 20 and your reading this trust me .. you'll wish you have listened. Start to educate yourself about every medication you are given. You can't blame the Dr.s. To some degree.. it is even hard to blame the BIG PHARM, If you are putting it into your body RESEARCH IT.
While your at it research Cannabis.. Hmm I wonder what you will chose when you do. Each of us has to do, believe 'what ever it takes' for ourselves.
You will read now about big Pharm. companies getting pattens on THC . GO FIGURE!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxYlrFgyygA *please watch this quick video.
They see the direction it is going - more people wanting to use Cannabis and they want the control. They want the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ It is all about &&&
IT IS A PLANT Each and every person on this planet that has a seed and can plant it and grow a plant should be entitled to have this GOD given medicine.
SPEAK UP. Educate yourself today. Demand what you deserve.