Digging in the warm earth seeing bugs, chasing Daisy the past 3 days! I had to try to Daisy proof with some sticks and twine.
Ticky and Scruffy - they are garden trained, they walk gently - ‘one must be zen in the garden’! Not Daisy! She’s full speed ahead - this is a new playground! I grew tired of yelling at her and put up a bit of a block, I shall see how it is working tomorrow when I go out in to the garden.
How can you not be inspired. Seed are everywhere - fallen from the maple in my own yard, Tree’s flowering, lilac in full bloom and all the greenery! It has me thinking that Cannabis is out of control and I am thrilled or it! Do you now how many seed were sold at the last EXPO? People wanting to grow thier own Cannabis for recreational an medical reasons... THOUSANDS. Around the wold ...Millions of these tiny seeds.
My biggest concern some days; No longer Cannabis being made illegal but more Cannabis falling into the hand of Monsanto! Even then People won’t let it happen.
You can’t think about gardening and NOT think of Monsanto these days. If you can you better wake the fuck up.
* A persona note... yesterday I had a very bad experience, concerning my health in public. It was frightening. For me and the poor girl behind me in line. I’d rather not re live it even now I was shaken for a few hours after. BUT I did learn... I did not have any ID on me what so ever. Note to self, carry a bus card in your back pocket.
I won’t lie, I came home and sent and e mail to my surgeon ;(. That says it all.
Once again it also gave me a kick in the ass and said FOCUS.
I feel blessed for these cruel and yes harsh reminders daily that life is precious and it can be gone in a heart beat. It reminds me to love & respect EVERY living seed in my garden and then some ;) Yes, Id like to go to Spain, Greece.... but if I never go anywhere again but my own backyard I am grateful!
Enjoy where you are.
Enjoy WHO you are.
Enjoy what you stand for... <3
Blogs this week:
-From FB to Friend ♥
-No Hemp allowed? WTFork?
-Are you fucking kidding me?
-All things Awesome at the EXPO
and more....
Also less time on FB - more time drawing If you need to get in touch you can do it through here. xox <><