Like most days I woke got Poppy up, went downstairs and kicked Tickys basket.. Let's go! Was she still alive? Someday I had to kick it a few times.
Then she might hop out or struggle depending on the day, most lately was a struggle.
We all can all relate. Today she was out & we did the routine, around the pool for a pee at a snails pace.
Later in the afternoon I noticed her face swelling, I called the vet, she was here in 10 minutes, she was in the area - thank God. Tickys eyes almost swelling shut but still seemed fine, she was such a tuff old girl. 19 years old. She was blind, deaf and brittle for the past few years, vomited weekly and ate it, and could hardly make it out most days lately - her back shakey, we called her Zombi dog- lovingly and she always got the best scraps. She was put down at 3.
All the dogs noticed and sniffed the basket all afternoon & then we all just lay around.
I already miss her annoying bark & zombie stare.
Have you hugged your hound today?
Goodbye Ticky,
I love you. Thanks for loving me back.
Have Faith
<>< xox