My head is still dizzy and I am trying to stay off the computer, when I read 'YES he did' I burst into tears. Not good under the situation.
I thought about Cashy so much while in the hospital - him and my good friend Lauren. Both have gone through so much - makes my operation look like Mickey Mouse ;-( I wonder how they did it, and in Lauren's case will continue to do so. Every time I felt like crying I thought of them for strength.
I have cried a few times this week as it appears my twitch is still here. ;(
BUT - I am still here too. Thank you God for that. So - FORWARD.
I read the thanksgiving blog and I am so touched and impressed with the woman that Kalli Hyde is - you have no idea. Her strength and sharing the details - I hope and pray it helps her to 'get it out'. As HEARTBREAKING as the photo of Cashy is in his little coffin - I admire her for posting it as it is a fact. Children are dying from cancer. If this photo hits home with just one person - they might make a difference, or at least might just be a little more compassionate to those around them & it might make some parents realize the gift that our children are. I understand Kalli for doing this and love the family for it, I am sure it was well thought out.
Cannabis helped Cashy - Cannabis should be in my opinion one of the first choices when helping children with pain- be it from cancer, a terminal illness, juvenile arthritis, HIV - sadly the list is long. It is far less TOXIC that many other medications given to our babies every day. I also understood her calling the Dr. for Morphine. To see your child suffer you would do what ever it takes to end the suffering. Cashy is in God's arms. He was not here for long but he has changed the world, for the better. I am sure his mom being a nurse is one of the best nurses as she has a new understanding of compassion that thankfully many of us will not understand in our lifetime. There is no greater love than a mother/father and child and to lose a child is the greatest loss. One I thank God I have not experienced, although I'd be a liar if I had not thought about it - (too much) you have a tendency to do that when Dr.s tell you: they only expect your son to live to the age of 12.
My son is here and I thank God every day! LOL - especially recently - he is just amazing, helping me, cleaning the house, helping with everything and making me laugh! I've been pretty grumpy off and on and he has just ignored that. He is so friggen wise for 20 it blows my mind. Kalli mentioned Cashy was 'an old sole' and I feel this with Storm, they have already dealt with more in a life time than most of us ever will.
I have so much I want to do today - I can get up and about but still have to take it easy - my body not fully co-operating with my legs and my head woozy after only a short time. I'm drawing and thinking of my next craft! I am also going to enjoy all the beauty around me!
The Christmas cactus that greeted on my kitchen table was not in bloom when I went into the hospital! Plants!!! Everyday miracles! Enjoy the day! In honor of Cashy I will be posting 'how to draw a cute little monkey' later today.
Tell your kid(s) If they are 2 or 45... tell them.
I LOVE you Storm!