Decisions are being made regarding our lives that affect us now and will in the future- we do not even realize yet how some of these thing will turn out - or do we.. and we are afraid it is out of control. I watched : If I had one wish today it would be that I could inspire someone to watch this. That is the beginning. There are several people who inspire me in this documentary, and although seriously frightening -these handful of people are raising global awareness and making some serious changes! WE can learn from India who's plants were being patented and that has been revoked!! YES we the people -REVOKE patents on plants! NO one/company should be responsible for making a decision on that we can not grow/eat on this planet. REVOKE the patent on Cannabis - it was provided for all of us.. not a country! Not a pharmaceutical company who want to control our natural medicine.. Not Monsanto who wants to control food around the world. Don't believe me? On this boxing day - take some time and educate yourself. For your family, your children and our future. Or this toon might just turn out to be NOT so funny...