For years, Canadians have invested time and money and educated themselves on the task. Not always an easy one, for some it is all they are physically able to do. Grow their medicine.
Growing for themselves keeps them safe, affordable and easily attainable.
For many it has become a passion. It keeps others feeling useful and not a drain to society to be able to provide for themselves or a family member. <3 Much like Grandma grows tomatoes in her garden and shares the good health with the rest of the family.
Think about it - You tell me the difference. Strictly on the plant level.
There is none.
All this will be gone. They will be forced to pay higher prices (according to HC), will have fewer options, some will turn to opiates because they will be able to get them easier. It is sad.
They will continue to grow what they need to survive, but now they will be afraid to do, what a few months ago was not only legal but encouraged by Health Canada. Will they go to jail? Will they lose their investments? Homes, kids, famalies. lives.
Who's government treats it sick this way?
I know too many people who are losing sleep, a few hope... some say they are at the end of their rope and the despair in their voice is obvious. It is a shameful thing to be doing to people over a PLANT.
If they could say it kills people/it hurts.. but they cannot - instead only proof on all it is doing to help those who need it. I'm too tired to start to name why.
Please show your support on this issue.
One day it might be you who does not want to take an addictive pain killer for your back ... or you will want your child to use cannabis if they need too.
We already have a leaf on our flag a maple leaf = Plant
Cannabis = Plant
xox <><
*Our hotel is booked for the TY EXPO ... <3 I hope and pray to see you there.