It is 15 mins. If you care at all what I am doing, if you have ever smiled at one of my cartoons? I made you smile?? ;-) Am I asking too much ? 15 mins. Please.
If it were your child and you asked me I would watch.
Our son's story is going to be in the next Issue of Treating Yourself. Issue # 29 a good friend said to me "you know you might get some flack.." My reply -walk in our shoes.
This story was hard to write. Because it is not a story it is true life. To tell enough, to make enough people realize how important this is. As you might know I don't like to talk about it. It is painful for us to know our son is hurting. I get too emotional, I'm a wimp, I tear up.. I am inspired by love to draw and make sure people learn. ESPECIALLY PARENTS. I DO NOT want to have to worry about my son's medicine! I HAVE SEEN it take away his pain. IT is that simple. NO ONE has died from it. Do you know how many people die from prescribed medications every day? It is TIME to speak up. KNOW that you have a choice. So that's all I can say to anyone. This is our child. The love of our life. What would you do? What ever it takes..
I'll post when the issue of Treating Yourself is out. PLEASE watch this video.
If you don't believe it look it up yourself!