*The elephant head is to THINK big- outside the box .. I do. As a matter of fact I'm often referred to as a dreamer. Fine by me. I'd rather continue to dream than not. DREAM BIG.
*The Axe to cut off all ties that keep you down, material objects and people (nasty ones), let them go, it is inside which brings us happiness not stuff or others opinions of us.
* Small mouth (talk less) lol! I'm working on this one... you can't see his mouth at all, reminding me- keep it to yourself. I tell people the truth (my version) if they ask my opinion... don't ask if you don't want to know. & I also give unsolicited advice - lol I will try to keep my opinions in my drawing and only share them with those who can handle them.
*Large Ears.. Listen more. I am. It's amazing what you actually hear... or don't.
*Om the symbol on the hand (under the Axe) is a blessing for all. Considered the SEED mantra - it's a perfect way to start all mantras.
*The Rat/mouse... is my biggest struggle- isn't it for all? It is to keep desire in control.
Keeping the ego in coltrol in essesnce.. I am easily distracted by desire. I fight with myself- 'stop thinking and go paint!' LOL... AS if painting is a non thinking assignment, quite the opposite, I think about colors with each other, objects, lines, shape, texture, meaning.. it's endless. Desire will be a distraction if not controlled. The elephant rides the rat, not the other way around.
*A big belly to 'peacefully digest' all the good and bad in the world. Equally.
Tell that to my heart as I watch the Dakota pipeline protests. ;( Working on it.
*Prasade (bowl of offering at feet) The entire world is at my feet and for my asking -
I'M ASKING. Dream Big Baby! I'm ready. I know... Ganesha wanted out.
It's also there to share and give.
*Lotus * rising up from the SEED under my name. It starts there. RISE up Georgia!!!
Through the MUD & slime- rise up! Open up Beautiful & face the day! Close in the evening and open clean, fresh and sure again the next morning. ALSO my favourite flower by far.
Too bad you can't 'send a bunch' - a bouquet - I'd never forget for sure.
I painted them white. Purity, clean & calm.
*Bowl of Modaka- the sweetest of sweets (in my case cannabis- the sweetest gift of all) rewards for all the hard work.
*The hand symbol for 'I love you'. I added this. I love you - I want to remind myself and to try to offer the same to all I encounter.
*Broken Tusk retain the good & toss the bad.
* The flowers- better than diamonds, more beautiful and fleeting.
Over all My Ganesha speak volumes for me.
I read above all he is the REMOVER of obstacles & bringer of miracles - quick!
LOL - not yet finished I thought- THIS is working already (lol) I almost had a miracle come true.. but it was a 'just' tiny step closer - so thats good Ganesha - It's all good.
I am alive and writing this blog - that is a miracle for today. Give thanks.
Whats' next - another 'Standing with Standing Rock today'.
Another BIG canvas starting this week... the only problem is wall space.
Oh well - WHO CARES! Create.
Maybe I'll sell a few.. and give a few too.
If you could have a miracle come true TODAY what would it be?
Have faith