I am also aware of the number of ‘snow birds’, seniors and hope they will be some of the first to be educated on Cannabis. Our elderly take far too many prescription drugs, many killing them because of mixing and over dose. Cannabis is a safer alternative!
I’m tired of saying it and luckily with other admitting the knowledge - well AMEN!
It is only a matter of time. Will Florida be NEXT YEP! I believe so!
If you want to read more abut Cannabis and Florida, simply Google
Cannabis, Florida, medical marijuana.
**********BIG news is Dr. Gupta! ******************************************
Has admitted he was WRONG about Medical Marijuana - Cannabis.
WOW! Finally. AMEN! Another respected Dr. has come out of the Cannabis closet.
All I can say Is WHO is NEXT!?
I see an end to this insanity! I hope HARPER is paying attention. I ‘Duh’, doubt it.
Once again we are going ASS backwards.
Harper >>> Pot = Private Prisons People!! $$$
Obama needs to get his act together too and STOP raiding compassion clubs.
STOP hurting the sick.
STOP putting NON violent offender in jail!
This toon was an idea from my friend John, I wanted to Draw Florida gators! LOL
After all I think I am entitled to fun! ;D He sent me several ideas , I have another ‘Im drawing also. The first, I left on the ‘girls’ window seat, came back to a page covered in Paw Prints! My bad.
I have decided to GIVE this cartoon to someone in Florida! ;) A FB share.
I had so much fun drawing it, many fond memories of me and ‘John Green.’
Hee hee hee... *flashback* He worked at the Pirate’s Cove in Daytona. Front desk. I had not even arrived to the room after check in and was asked out on a date. He even took me home to meet his parents. It was a most memorable 3 weeks. ❤
A Florida first sweetheart. I wonder what ever happened to him.
xox <><
To win this toon has to be shared by someone in FLORIDA