Yesterday the court decision was in! From now until trial outcome, Canadians permitted to grow their own cannabis themselves or with a designated grower are permitted to continue! Thank God! I waited like most others yesterday to hear the ruling expected in the afternoon. I read it, over and over, then I burst into tears.
Tears of Joy, tears of relief! Then instantly a anger filled me - so angry, that we are even 'here' dealing with this bullshit!
SO stressed because of Health Canada. Health Canada - here to make us feel better.
After my outburst, I reminded myself not to get angry but busy... and I wanted to celebrate! Celebrate each small victory!
Celebrate that people see what the government is doing, is WRONG. Cruel and criminal.
Right now - I just want to smile, thank God, for a while we don't have to worry about Storm and his pain medication. Or me and my head medication, mental and physical.
I believe this is just the start. There is more good news on the horizon!
I feel it growing as I type!!!
xox <><