& Alice in Wonderland - the Disney version preferably but not long ago my VHS finally ATE it. I was disappointed - I still kept the case! I DO like the version with Johnny Dep - and hear a new one is out this year! I decided to FINALLY read the book and I am on Chapter 3 this is the first drawing of a few - I cant wait to paint the Tea Party!
I am drawing what the book inspires. I've recently met online a new Glass artist Tara Roberts , she planted the seed- to see the Alice in Wonderland piece she is working on - wow. Have look at her instagram account or Facebook - 'Pointalism' in Glass!!!
I am watching how her Alice's coming together and it is interesting! I have an idea from Jerry - but -Kowabunga- A new appreciation and respect level has been reached again for these artists who work in Glass.
Starting with sketch book doodles and now my first Alice watercolor .. I've at least a full day more and I cant wait! I am truly at peace when I paint. I can forget-- IT still happens but I can be so 'lost in tiny details' I soon forget - the pain can be - thought past! Keep Busy.
Do what you love and give thanks!
More on Tara soon. I'll wait until the piece is done and share images of it- I asked she said it's o.k. * in my e mail back and forth I learned she was in a bad bike accident & now is having tremors, she just had her first tests and is frightened - But she's focused on her art, passion - hat making and more! Bead work- YOGA and I believe, like me - feels there are not enough hours in a day to create!
Keep going, Keep doing, Keep loving, Keep Being.
Back to Alice!!
What will you create?
<>< xox