: doing good deeds.• a brave or noble act : their deeds will live on in song.• action or performance : she had erred in both deed and manner.
It is WHy I don't read the paper. Anger management. I saw the cover with the street car, read the headlines and put it down, I had read enough. Days later and I am hearing more and reading more on FB, Storm and I talked about it and I'm still angry. Questions ?! NO SHIT there's questions!! So many I don't know where to begin.
How many times was he shot?
They used a 'tazer' AFTER he was shot ... how many times??
This cop waited HOW LONG?
He was HOW far away from the street car??
The kids only had a knife?
This happened in Canada??
There's more....?
Don't forget to ask yourself... was this kid just in need of some fucking help?
Oh my God. Please forgive us, IF we let this continue to happen.
OMG we are fucked if we continue to let this happen.
If you want to read more.. I can't. My head is throbbing just thinking about it.
Rest in Peace Sammy.
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