-‘Like’ the page: ‘GeorgiaToons’ Page
I chose my general cartooning page not my personal page, it seems not everyone can communicate with me. on my personal page.
-Share this TOON! The toon with Scruffy announcing the CONTEST!
Get the word out, Plant the seed & Let who is meant to win, WIN! ;)
Spread a bit of contest, hope, fun. lol
-The winner MUST have shared originally FROM the GeorgiaTOONs post.
-& Plant the seed of Cannabis Education every chance you get! Why not?
-Be Nice to the Bees... and each other.
Pretty simple.
Details: DRAW DATE: JULY 10th 2014
This should give people enough time to ‘see and enter’.
*Open to anyone, anywhere in the world who is meant to see this post and enter the contest. ;)
Karma baby.
I pay Shipping.
***IF you win.. I will NEED to contact you and get photos, So PLEASE pay attention to the post and any messages you might get from me. IF I contact someone and they do not respond in 48 hours I will RE-DRAW.
The drawing will not be complete until the end of August. Not rushing.
The winner will get the original drawing BY me, FRAMED, in the mail September.
ALONG with a Georgia Toons info bag and copies of Treating yourself magazines, Featuring articles and GeorgiaToons.
Post cards ;) Sorry it takes a bit... This is art, Not take-out.
I already KNOW what I’m drawing
It’s going to be fun.
I just don’t KNOW with who?
WILL it be you?
<>< xox