Turn a blind eye... then don't complain in 20 years when all our kids are in prison because they had such a shitty education, and all they could turn to to survive is crime.
It is not S.H. we should blame. It is ourselves for not speaking up and demanding change. Change starts with getting rid of S.H. and private prisons in a country that the crime rate has declined - yet we build private prisons- common sense? IF your child is one of the few that will receive a great education because you can afford it - TERRIFIC!! He/she is still going to to be growing up with the many, that cannot. They will feel cheated and disappointed through no fault of their own, by an education system that is clearly failing the masses and are correct. It will not create a better, peaceful world - only an angrier one.
BUT that's o.k. I guess, S.H. is making room for all of those angry little beings that are growing up.
Common Sense.