I draw about Cannabis all the time - an illegal drug. I am sure at some point I might have someone say something to me.
Actually a while back I did - something along the lines as 'using a comic strip to educate about Cannabis, something geared towards kids...' Well it just happens to be a comic strip because that is what I do - was born to do, LOVE to do - I found recently some images of cartoon characters smoking- not only were they smoking but they were promoting SMOKING! Intentionally!! Yikes. NOT o.k.
We choose - actually, LOOK around- did you choose to have that giant alcohol/underwear/donut ad in front of you where you walk by everyday - no - we are bombarded with images that we did not choose.
BUT what we choose to do about them is a different situation.
I do NOT feel alcohol is a disease. A sickness yes. A disease you wake up with everyday - you have no control. Some people are born with them. AN alcoholic chooses to lift that drink to his/her lips with each sip. So - if after you read my cartoons you go and smoke a fattie - the choice was yours. But if you smoke a go do something stupid- I'm having trouble even finishing this sentence - its the person people, NOT the POT! Just like every person that drinks and drives and kills someone cannot go and sue the alcohol that got him that way .. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Or the prescription drug - when mixed with your other medication - stopped your heart - well you can TRY to sue. If your still alive.
We need to take responsibility of our own choices. We need to be making educated choices.
Recreationally, Cannabis is much safer that alcohol.
Medicinally - Cannabis is much safer than many prescribed medications.
So If I have changed your mind - over to Cannabis with a cartoon -I'm thrilled - it's a start in the educated direction. If I have made you at least question your other choices - Yippie!!
If you plan on suing me because you over ate a brownie or two and missed that job interview - IT'S the person NOT the pot!
- People draw much worse, they draw about murder, crime, rape, torture- it's endless... we all do what we feel we have to. It is art. It is how someone expresses this life.
Who is anyone to say it is wrong- if it is NOT physically harming anyone - it is an image.
If you do not agree with it - make your own choice.
It is as simple as - if it is a product - do not buy it.