I think about cannabis and my head hurts. LOL - *Only with regards to the absolute insanity that surrounds it all on the GRAND SCALE.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Plant a seed and go to jail. LOL How small can you get?
You cannot help but discover all sorts of things when you start to research Cannabis.
A very interesting history based on lies. Of course, it involves money and corporations keeping it under control. Now that it has been exposed, what is the problem?
We are witnessing daily how it is helping save the lives of children around the world,
trust me - I am paying very close attention, as should you. It is helping ease suffering of millions around the world. Still we are faced with lies and excuses.
To get material, I find I am faced daily with facts about death from drugs.
NEVER cannabis! Prescribed medications, use of them recreationally & PROPERLY, chemical cocktails are killing our elderly- and not gracefully!!! Illegal pills, METH, Alcohol <we all know that. Tobacco, sugar, junk food.. it is just insane the things that are worse for you than cannabis. How have we been so ‘duped’ for so long?
I think to myself lately, I want to pull a Bill Watterson so bad you have no idea. ;)
I’m done.. but I can’t.
I see my son, I see him having a life because of a plant. I see him and I know when he is in pain, I know that for most of the time he can control it with a plant. That and rest, appear to be the simple recipe for Storm. He is tired of pain.
I know so many that need it as their medicine, need it to help them move ON!
MOVE PAST and KEEP going. I am one of them.
It appears I have a movement disorder that just won’t quit. I have constant twitching, electrical zapping in my brain 24/7 with very short breaks in between & trigeminal neuralgia thrown in about 7 times day.
Before I sat to ink this drawing I smoked a joint to calm it down, it does not calm the movement as much as it calms my mind and allows me to think clearly. Ironically. Amen.
I have a meeting regarding some work with someone, and I think ‘I must have a bonk hit right before’. This is not to get high. This is my life and I thank God for it - for every second that I remain here with my son and husband and dogs and you.
I do get great e mail from strangers all around the world from time to time, just when I feel I need it ;) We all need to be appreciated. Thank you.
But, I have to draw about more, it is about so much more.
Cannabis is just a distraction. One big PRANK, by big brother.
The Lies they tell, the money & time wasted on a failing DRUG war that will never be under control, the lives we don’t save. Trafficking drugs or trafficking people... where the f*ck have our priorities gone and why are we letting this happen?
SPEAK UP! Educate someone. Share something! Or don’t.
Move out of my way. My head hurts and I’m losing my patience... until tomorrow.
A new day to get it right!
Draw! Have some fun! Play in the garden... grow.
Don’t sweat the small stuff!
xox <>< G