There is a joke - I've drawn it before (posted below) that many Cannabis users have tried. Suicided by cannabis - not happening. Common sense. Where has it gone? How can we be throwing people in jail, taking their kids from them, ruining their lives, losing jobs for something that is less harmful than water. If cannabis were decriminalized and recognized for what it is - a plant. This planet would be a little more peaceful. How could it not?? Think about it.
Decriminalization reflects changing social and moral views. A society may come to the view that an act is not harmful, should no longer be criminalized, or is otherwise not a matter to be addressed by the criminal justice system. Examples of subject matter which have been the subject of changing views on criminality over time in various societies and countries include:
- abortion
- breastfeeding in public
- drug possession, and recreational drug use
- euthanasia
- homosexuality
- polygamy[1]
- prostitution
- public nudity
- steroid use in sport
When you look at the number, the failed war on drugs, the terrible excuses for using cannabis against specific minorities - it is time. Forget legalize - Why? So big pharm can then come in a make you $$$ from the plant. Or the LCBO turns CCBO.
Let humanity decide for themselves, Over something less harmful than water!
xox <><