Jason Adams @ [email protected]
It is 'clean', easy to visualize, understand and includes informative links so that
YOU may research it for yourself!
Knowledge is power.
If you have any questions or concerns, I suggest you ask Jason.
Ending on positive notes..
I'm about to do the fine sketch for The Cannabis Digests Fall Cover!
Which means it will be complete before the end of the weekend
*a long weekend here in Canada! WoooooHooo!!
Not that it really matters to me, I get to draw every day and that means...
every day is a weekend.
I woke at 5 this a.m. and looked out my window - the stars were so beautiful I went out & stood in the dark in PEACE, in the middle of the vegetable garden.. it was exhilarating.
Poppy would beg to differ.
Have Faith