Do you have plants in your home? How would you feel if someone came in and said you can't grow these plants. NOW how would you feel if these 'Plants' were easing your suffering. PLANTS, every window sill in my house has plants, every room. I love plants!
I have also been reading how growing medicine is so therapeutic for so many people. It keeps their mind off their disease, gives them something to do - to care for tend to, be around nature. What a sense of accomplishment on top of it when you can use what you grow to ease your pain - physically & mentally. Truly a Blessing.
So before you let your imaginations get to you .. NOT everyone who grows Cannabis has a GROW factory. Next time your watering your little budding beauties imagine if the government had the right to come in and remove your plants. Your sage, basil, lavender, aloe vera. Plants. How INSANE is that? When it comes right down to it - don't forget - that is all Cannabis is ~ A PLANT! Do you deny?
It's not the plants fault that some people abuse it.
Choice. Education and the RIGHT to be happy & healthy.