There is constant talk - How to take the bully out of schools. I don't think that is where one should start I think they should take it out of homes.
AS in TURN OFF the television.
Storm said - he is not a bully and he watched TV and played the games, but if fact we did not watch a lot of television - when we did it was usually as a family and would discuss much - the same is true today ;-)
In just 10 years I cannot believe the 'quality'- OR rather LACK of it on television.
It is easy to understand how children are bullies when we witness it daily on television, and in MOST cases the bullies they are watching are NOT other children - it is other adults. <the amount on this topic is overwhelming online. Also another sign to start paying attention.
How can we expect them to be nice and treat others with respect when we have such examples like Tots in tiara's, the Desperate housewives - nasty name calling and making fun of people. If it is o.k. to watch - why not act it out? It seems to get results on television.
They see brats, bullies and bitches 24/7.
How do you expect them to behave differently?
T.V. shows making girls mean:
"Because they are not directly participating in any of these hijinks, most viewers feel that watching reality TV is a harmless recreation, an escape from their own lives. Yet some psychologists are discussing whether reality shows are as harmless as most people believe. After all, whose reality are we viewing? And is it healthy to constantly observe people who are unafraid of any recourse or repercussions?" Read more:
TURN it off.
Give your kid a book!!
When you do watch T.V. talk to your children!