it is days like this I thank God I am not homeless and think of those who are. Why don't we have more shelters, money for our homeless and hungry?
Part of researching Cannabis is the education of all the money that is being wasted. To me it is a rude awakening. People being busted for growing a plant, good kids getting records that will follow them there entire lives
- for what!? Smoking a joint?
I ask everyone - have you ever smoked pot (*I call it pot, weed and grass - that is what my generation called it, although I have a new respect for the plant and prefer to call it Cannabis) and the reply is always the same -"Oh yeah... " or " I tried it but I didn't like it" or "hell yes ! I still do!" This from everyday NORMAL hard working people, most now parents, Dr.s, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, priests, lawyers, teachers.. Is the world crazier because of it!? NO. SO why is it still illegal? I read recently - someone posted on face book - "we don't need famous people talking about Cannabis, we need patients talking about Cannabis" YES, that is correct, BUT we need everyone that is willing to talk about Cannabis to
talk about Cannabis! PAST and present!
It says in my Happy Hippie Comic Book =
I hope to see it decriminalized, legalized, Un-DRAMATIZED &
Families being ripped apart by legal loopholes, losing money, relations and HOPE. Not to mention the money that can be made for the economy... and the benefits of HEMP! I do not like to say anything bad about anyone.
sooooo....Do you know where Steven Harper stands on Cannabis? I do. ;-(
All three of us vote in this family. Rain or shine, health or sickness.
If you don't vote, don't voice your opinion.
Research before it is too late. One day you might want to use cannabis to treat your pain. Or want to help ease someone who is close to you of their suffering. If Cannabis can do that (we know it does) then you should have that choice.
The following toon is just one way I feel money wasted on Cannabis prohibition could be better spent. On a REAL, SERIOUS problem.
<>< have faith