Why? Because I did not know when I first got my bong, and it matters. There are many factors now, that matter to me that I did not even comprehend in the beginning.
One: Some Bongs are awesome to look at - but come time to clean them - GOOD LUCK!
That being said... I love an easy to clean bong.
If it is not easy, I find I won't do it as often.
I clean our bongs every couple of days.
Again, I'm mom first and I like Storm to be using a clean bong. Have you seen how quickly the water gets dirty?
It does amuse me, that I think like this.. lol - had you told me Id' be cleaning my son's bongs for him a few years ago I might have said "Not on your life!"
I've been educated ;-) Thank God ;-)
Yes, there are cleaners available on the market and Yes, I have tried a few, they are easy; pour, shake and pour = clean bong, but they can be expensive.
Then I was using alcohol and salt, but I'm not happy with that stuff going down the drain all the time, and it is also costly.
My way is CHEAP & easy, it takes a little longer is all.
It is your BONG! Your health! Treat it like the medicine delivering tool that it is.
Keep it clean. It always tastes better with fresh water as well. Here are my step by step instructions for cleaning your bong! You can do it!
Keep it clean!
Supplies needed:
Kettle of hot, boiled water
Dawn dish soap (any dish soap, I use dawn -BLUE also helps at flea season ;-)
Bottle scrubber (about $3.00) most stores
Oven Mitt
Coffee cup
Pipe cleaners
Cloth to sit in sink.
I'd like to add, it was a little bird that whispered in my ear how to clean my bong.
His name was Martin of ROOR. I believe if anyone has experience with bongs.. It's him ;-)
I'm grateful he did. The bong being cleaned is one of Storms ROOR bongs, mine in the final photo, it was a gift from my friend Marco - when I had too much botox (pain not vain) and could not smoke any other way. It it nothing fancy but I honestly love it: Wide base -does not tip easy, easy to clean.
<>< XOX