It's fun to say 'been there done that' when referred to such places as Atlantis in 'the Bahamas, Disney land.. BUT not so fun to say 'been there done that' as seen above. I'm honest. I have been there done that. Far too many times than I care to remember/admit in the case of the big bowl. So YES, I speak from experience and it is perhaps those experiences that allow me to draw what I do today. How many times have you got drunk?
For me, I seemed to be fine and then one drink too many and I was beyond the point of no return. There is nothing like a hangover. With alcohol - never mind all the other arguments - it is so easy to lose control. You think your having a great time and then - it hits you. The old saying 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila - floor." Sadly many people drive under this condition, fight, black out, argue and damage and hurt - all under the influence of alcohol- only to say the next day - "I AM sorry - I was drunk." That makes it o.k.? NO.
*Booze so easy to get, a cornucopia of selections, cheap and tasty until its coming back up.
Then it tastes like the true poison that it is.
Cannabis, I personally have never had a hangover from Cannabis. I have talked with some friends and the top complaint the morning after is at most - the munchies and being tired.
I did have someone tell me he got very sick but admitted he probably had a
*Jeffrey: a mammoth joint filled entirely with an assortment of drugs. Marijuana, opium, angel dust, meth, painkillers etc. Half of the ingredients are unknown, but one things for sure, it f*&^# you up. But straight cannabis alone... YOU won't wake up not knowing where you are with your head in a toilet bowl, wondering only God knows what happened and if the photos will later show up on FB! A Jeffery is also a problem that would be eliminated should Cannabis become LEGAL and we were in control of what we got and where we got it.
IF I had a daughter -preferably 18 and up - knowing what I now know I would be sharing with her my past experiences in hopes that she might avoid some of the same mistakes. WHY lie? I would also be telling her that if she feel she needs to let lose - please do it with some organic bud.
The irony of Alcohol being legal, the facts - ALCOHOL does kill every day!
Cannabis is illegal and has NEVER killed anyone .
Somethin' pretty fishy goin' on round here. Could it be about $$$$$$ ????
Before someone wants to ask me "why pick on blonds" in my drawings?
All I have to say is :
Been there done that!
xox <><